Amel Soname Contact

Many people are defrauding people claiming to be Amel Soname magician or Amel Soname Healer and giving out phone numbers, making websites using the words: Amel Soname, creating emails, and social media accounts using Amel Soname . Social media is being used to spoil my name.I am NOT associated with these people who are claiming to be amel soname in any way or with those people who are running spiritual offices and asthana in the name of amel soname.If you have any questions or concerns, Amel Soname does not talk over the phone at all. You can contact amel soname through email ONLY. your questions will be answered on a first come first served basis. No other email address is valid to communicate with me except for

This is not our website , i am not associated with this site

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Sun’s transit through the Zodiac signs

Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem

Assalam oalaikum,

The Sun travels through the twelve signs of the zodiac on its yearly journey and spends around one month in each sign. The time when the Sun enters into a new zodiac constellation is called the Sun’s transit or
Sankranti. Sankranti is a compound word for sham and kraanti. Sham means 2, dual or union whereas Kraanti means to overcome or pass through. Therefore, sankranti is the term used to denote the phase when the Sun changes a zodiac sign. The transit phase of the Sun is not a favorable time for an amil to start a new amal.
The chart given below gives the details about the Sun Transit through the 12 zodiac signs.

Amel soname contact

If you have any question contact me directly on my email. No other type of  help support or email support is valid to communicate with me. this is my email address

Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 

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